• Childbirth education classes are usually a series of sessions that can be completed individually or in a group that provide an in-depth understanding of the birthing process. Partners, support people, attend classes with the birthing person. Classes can be attended in person and virtually.

    What are the benefits?

    Better Outcomes: Some studies show that participation in childbirth education can lower the risk of c-sections and interventions in low risk pregnancies.

    Community and Support: participants attend birth classes with a group there is an opportunity to build community and learn about shared and varied experiences.

    Connection and learning opportunities with Partner: Childbirth education classes offer space to connect with your partner or support system, learn, begin to build a birthing plan, and learn about the varied birth experiences.

    Preparedness: Attending classes allows for participants to to feel more confident and in control of their birthing experience and can also serve as a springboard for breastfeeding.

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